It has been sometime since I have blogged- I think the longest amount of time on record. I have begun my final year of Graduate school in Theology. I never really thought about getting to this point in the game. The last two years have been basically spent treading water, sometimes with a little floaty to help, and other times without. Let’s just say that my floaties were family and friends. It was interesting to note that when I needed a floaty, there was always, and I am not exaggerating ALWAYS a floaty there for me.
I have spent a lot of time these last two weeks re-examining relationships. John Mark is still in Africa- and apparently lovin’ it despite my very noticeable absence. Such is life. I remember my first class with him. He sat next to me the first day of classes last year. We really didn’t know each other very well, but were both in relationships that were ending. We allowed ourselves to see past some misery and saw some real special ties to each other. I have always said, “He would be perfect for me- to bad I am not his type. Pretty sure we would be married already.” I am pretty sure I am perfect for him, except for some little discrepancies. Regardless, there is such a heart felt tenderness, affection and love.
I was thinking back to one of the best times that I have had here in MN, and it interestingly involves Mr. JM. It was one of my last days up here before I left for my internship, and we decided to spend the whole day together. I had been noticeably strapped for cash pretty much all year. I got my summer student loan check and decided to splurge by buying him a going away present. I did that, picked him up and we went to the grocery store and bought a deli salad, some oranges, water, diet coke for me (I was still drinking caffeine then) and some great crusty bread and some beautify Brie cheese, and of course a new People magazine! We went to the flower gardens by the river in St. Cloud. We sat and talked, laughed, read, maybe even cried a bit (I think that was me again…). It was such a beautiful day to me.
I have been able to have a lot of days that would be classified as wonderful, fabulous and even magnificent. I feel that way especially after my first week of classes. I will be excited to continue this semester. I am taking Christology- the study of Christ, his life, his death and resurrection, and also studying the soteriological (salvific) nature of his role in the world. The Theology of Sacraments and Worship is my next class, which will be wonderful. It is an examination of ritual and roles in the church and the examination of sacraments in the church. Fundamental Moral Theology is on Thursday nights. It should be a fascinating look at what is meant when authorities make decisions about morality- and who decides who has authority, and who gives the authority away. My final class is Homiletics. Giving a homily-ahhhh- I am really excited about that class. I haven’t given a homily since I was at the Newman Center, (I have given some reflections here and there). I love public speaking! Really enjoy all that it entails, and I think for the most part, do a fair job.
yeah i guess that day was alright.
:* miss you
I love your blog.
I love you even more!!!
Third year for the Trinity--rock it out Sophia style!!!
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