Picture: me, Fr. Allan Bouley,OSB, Laura Kelly Fanucci
My academic year is coming to an end, and that is bringing its own sense of relief, and anxiety as well. I remember when I began my program at St. John's University. I was so excited to begin the MDIV program. I had no idea what was coming up, and was ready to go! I had no idea that the men and women that I would meet are just phenomenal, and that they would become my deepest friends and biggest cheerleaders and advocates. It has not always been fun and easy, there have been trials that have certainly challenged me and I would not have made it through these times had it not been for these friends, their prayers, my family, and my place with in the community of believers and love in God.
I took my final for Fr. Allan Bouley, OSB. He is a fantastic instructor who was in Rome, Italy during the Second Vatican Council. He did a wonderful job of blending the historical elements of the council, the pastoral ideas, and the liturgical elements that we find within our church. Sometimes the Rites can be a bit confusing, but Fr. Allan did a great job of making sure that we knew the historical elements, and understood some reasons for how these Rites are best expressed within our church community.
I don't know yet where I will be placed for my summer internship-CPE experience. I am looking forward though to vacation in New York as my family gathers to celebrate my brother's graduation.
Have a great week, I will do better with my posting in the weeks to come.
1 comment:
via bouley. :-)
"I liturgy will teach you."
yoda-ized fr. allen
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