About Me

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I am a woman who is trying to continue to learn how to be a better person. The purpose of this blog is to help me to articulate my personal response to the world. This blog will allow for reflection, insight, and authentic understanding.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Is home still home?

I have been in Nebraska since Saturday. The state motto, which a friends’ husband is fond of reminding me is— Nebraska…Welcome to the Good Life. I have to say, after having been away from the state of my birth for the last two years, (minimal trips home- but the trips home were of length) there was great nostalgia driving me from Omaha to North Platte. The Great Plains that sweep through the entire state were incredibly green. One could even venture to use a word such as verdant, or lush. Nebraska had gotten rain over the last two days and there was minor flooding throughout the state. I was able to stop and visit my dear friend, Jose for a couple of hours. The time away from Nebraska from the family and friends that have been so formative in my years growing as a woman of faith has been challenging.
What happens to a person when the support system that has been forming for years is taken away? But not really taken away, so much as removed by choice. I chose to move away. I chose the location of Minnesota, and I chose to participate in a Master’s program lasting three years.
The last couple of days I feel that I have been a bit of a pain to my family and friends. I have been asking tons of provoking questions, and I feel that there is some frustration as I continue to question, and frame questions with words that have been used in my education for the last couple of years. I have come to a level of expectation about how deep my conversations should be, and the topics that the conversations cover are varied, generally about as varied as the people involved in the conversations. It would seem that my vocabulary has changed, and I have stepped outside the rhythm of the natural flow of my family as a result of my time away.
So, as a result I have to wonder then if others go through this adjustment of time and rhythm with their families? The measure of and value of adaptability I think are more than just great indicators of family. How much do family dynamics affect our continued growth? As we remain a part of our birth family, and grow older each year, how readily do our expectations change to note the change and formation in our selves?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Movin' On...

I was thinking last night about the profound effect that moving can play in the lives of people. I am leaving Collegeville for the summer on Saturday morning. This will be the first time that I have left the state for longer than 3 weeks at a time. I will be gone all summer. It is an exciting time, and also a time that can potentially be filled with incredible learning. I continue to grow in my excitement for my CPE expereince. I am intrigued greatly by the union that I will be working for. I am anxious as well to learn as much as possible about the Austin area.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

My Summer...

I found out that I will be spending my summer in Austin, Texas (a place where I have never been) working with the SEIU organization. Wahooo!
Anyone been there? I would love to hear fun to see places and hear great stories!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Almost at the end...for this semester

Picture: me, Fr. Allan Bouley,OSB, Laura Kelly Fanucci

My academic year is coming to an end, and that is bringing its own sense of relief, and anxiety as well. I remember when I began my program at St. John's University. I was so excited to begin the MDIV program. I had no idea what was coming up, and was ready to go! I had no idea that the men and women that I would meet are just phenomenal, and that they would become my deepest friends and biggest cheerleaders and advocates. It has not always been fun and easy, there have been trials that have certainly challenged me and I would not have made it through these times had it not been for these friends, their prayers, my family, and my place with in the community of believers and love in God.

I took my final for Fr. Allan Bouley, OSB. He is a fantastic instructor who was in Rome, Italy during the Second Vatican Council. He did a wonderful job of blending the historical elements of the council, the pastoral ideas, and the liturgical elements that we find within our church. Sometimes the Rites can be a bit confusing, but Fr. Allan did a great job of making sure that we knew the historical elements, and understood some reasons for how these Rites are best expressed within our church community.

I don't know yet where I will be placed for my summer internship-CPE experience. I am looking forward though to vacation in New York as my family gathers to celebrate my brother's graduation.

Have a great week, I will do better with my posting in the weeks to come.