The picture was taken when my good friend came to visit. I am feeling very nostalgic for my friendships right now. I am so very aware that I am not alone, and have never been alone in my life. There have been times when I have felt lonely, but never alone! The picture strikes me as beautiful because there is a sense for me of community within the picture- there is the knowledge of shared laughter, companionship and a given understanding of shared identity!
I know that it has been some time since I posted on my blog…it started out as unintentional initially- just the realities of a hectic schedule this last semester. This semester started out with a bang- or rather a crash! I totaled my car in mid January and am still dealing with all that it entails. Anyways- I have been meaning to get back into the habit of my blog writing since the semester began!
I have often wondered why it seems that the things in my life- the busy “ness” seems to control and take over the things that I enjoy. Is there a reason why I put off writing? I don’t feel “gifted” at my writing. There are natural writers- those to whom the written word just bounds from with grace and ease. I feel like the klutzy wannabe sometime. Yet, despite those insecurities, I recognize a more balanced life when I do write. There is a benefit to me writing and sharing-the benefit is purely I confess for me! The outlet is as therapeutic as running till I am out of breath (or so I would guess!)
I am anticipating a more balanced semester that will naturally lead me into better practices for the coming reality of entering life in the world again. I know that I have some friends who cringe when I say this- because academia is not removed from the world- rather it is a part of it. Yet, there are realities about my life at the SOT that are far removed from the life I had be fore uprooting my existence and moving almost 1000 miles away from my home. I get a big loan check every semester in which I budget and live off of for the rest of the semester. I do not work full time for a paid position- rather I study full time and work very part time for a bit of money each month. My fun looks differently today than it has in the past.
I must also consider the friendships that I have made and maintained in my three years in Minnesota. The reality that there are so many people in my daily life who spend the time getting to know me, visiting with me on a daily basis reminds me that there is so much to give thanks for. When I consider what I have to be thankful for and what I need to remember is gift- my friendships are never far from my mind. I don’t think that I will be in a place in my life again when I will be able to devote so much time to friends, prayer, liturgy, and reading!
I have come to firmly plant myself within the liturgical makeup of the church year. I await with great excitement the seasons of Lent, Advent, Pentecost and other such wonderful celebrations each year. There is a balance in the seasoned approach and understanding of who I am as a person within the liturgy and the season of the year.
Needless to say, this is a year that I will be noting with grateful language and heart what I have been given- a good mind, a useful body, a compassionate heart… I will continue to post about twice a week! Your responses are much appreciated- and feel free to challenge my thinking!
Peace to all!
I am happy that you are blogging about. The benefit and joy of your writing is not simply for you alone! :)
I want some of the insight from your first few sentences to rub off on me!
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